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Heat the Da Terrinha tapioca in a non-stick skillet without greasing. After adding the tapioca to the skillet, heat for about 2 minutes until it releases from the edges, then flip the tapioca.
Shred the dried beef and set aside. In a pan, add a drizzle of olive oil, chopped onion, and garlic. Sauté and add the shredded dried beef. Stir well until the beef is heated through. Cover half of the tapioca with coalho cheese and let it melt, then spread the dried beef on top. Add this filling to the tapioca dough and fold it. Your tapioca is ready! Serve immediately.
100g of Da Terrinha Tapioca
Olive oil, chopped onion, and garlic
150g of shredded dried beef
Coalho cheese to taste
dried beef with
coalho cheese
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